Transforming Learning | The Learning Code Institute

The Learning Code Institute

About the Learning Code

Founded on Science, Dedicated to Improving the Learning of Mankind

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Watch the video above to see how we're applying scientific discoveries in neuroscience toward actionable solutions that improve learning, adaptability, communication in order to advance humanity, so we can together (as a species) solve the world's biggest issues.

Founded on Disruption, Transformation and Science

The Learning Code Institute is a noble cause-based organization founded on our 30+ years of disruptive research into the neurobiology of transformation. We have a commitment to change the world for the better by addressing major inefficiencies found in learning, motivation and behavior change with our systems, publications, media, and presentations.

Our Noble Cause

Scientifically speaking, our traditional educational and organizational training systems are not working. The traditional behavior modification approaches are deeply flawed and some of the most challenging social issues of our time, such as addiction, obesity, education system, PTSD and cultural dysfunction are at epidemic levels. Our noble cause is to directly apply our more than thirty years of neurobiological research into the causes of true transformation, to alleviate the pain and inefficiency of learning, motivation and behavior change and to put joy and efficiency back in.

Our Team: Collectively Impassioned and Walking Our Talk

All of us on The Learning Code Institute Team are deeply committed to our Noble Cause, to use science to transform the world of learning, motivation and behavioral change for the better. Each of us has been personally moved by the Learning Code science and collectively synergized as a team by what our research reveals. This is an amazing aspect of the Learning Code science: it transforms people on both a personal level as well as on a collective/organizational level.

Advisory Team

Who We've Worked With Around the Globe

We’ve presented our work to, and consulted for, countless organizations worldwide—including the Mayo Clinic, Turner Broadcast/CNN, the seminar promotional group for global speakers like Tony Robins and Bill Clinton, the leadership training group for NASA and The Defense Department as well as the organization that does strategic planning for the NFL, the UN, and the National Institutes of Health. In addition we’ve presented our work to governments and educational institutions in Nigeria, Estonia, Finland, Canada, China, New Zealand, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile and the UK.

World Tour of Transformation: Setting Up the Launch of Our First Systems and Publications

We have had the opportunity to present our work in many places around the world, in more than 15 countries. In the fall of 2019 we did our most world tour promoting The Learning Code science in Latin America and Asia (Mexico City, Mexico, Guangzhou China, Singapore, Auckland NZ, Sapporo and Tokyo Japan) setting up the launch for our first the Cracking The Learning Code book and online programs to reach 50 million teachers.

Here are some photos from the tour!

Our Partners

Thought Leaders Love the Learning Code

“In over 30 years of in business, much of it spent in exploring new communications methodologies, the principles of The Learning Code stand alone. The ground-breaking research that lead to the identification of this code has broken new boundaries in understanding and applying effective tools to enhance our learning and behavioral change abilities. What’s truly exciting is that The Learning Code has the real potential to forever transform the ability of educators, students, business people, and the individual to thrive in this age of the information explosion."
Neal Rohr
CEO of The Vermont Group & Founder GaGa Eatables
"The profound Learning Code knowledge about how to create sustainable change in organizations by understanding the biology of change has wholly transformed our perspective about how we implement change and why our initiatives have experienced resistance in the past. This new insight is a quantum leap in comprehending ‘what we need to do next’ when confronted with difficult change management issues. Implementing the scientific-based knowledge of the Learning Code has personally given me more power and peace in my life than I have ever experienced before. I would highly recommend this dramatic Learning Code approach to create organizational and personal change to any company that is genuinely committed to increasing employee productivity and joy by transforming the existing through science."
Tiffany Goode
Change Management Group and Turner Broadcasting/CNN/TNT
"The Learning Code is such a powerful tool it will become the cornerstone of the 'Sciences for Humanity.' It is the matching of neuroscience and genetics to human needs. The Code can be applied to disciplines such as training, education, leadership, creativity and innovation, marketing, and organizational and human behavior. Like the Intel chip, the Learning Code can quickly be implanted into any learning or behavior change program to make them state of the art. I would never consider doing anything related to marketing without deploying the cognitive and social principles of the Code."
George Moore
CEO of BoomCloud – Designing The World’s First 3D Social Media