Transforming Learning | The Learning Code Institute

We Cracked the Code to How You Learn

Change Your Biology.
Change Yourself.
Change the World.

We Cracked the Code to How You Learn

Change Your Biology.
Change Yourself.
Change the World.

Scientifically Changing How the World Learns, Motivates, and Changes Behaviors

Cracking the Learning Code is a scientific solution that effectively accesses the human neurological operating system to increase rates of learning, enhance motivation, solve addiction, and engineer behavioral change at unprecedented levels. We've implemented our scientific solution in a simplified 24 step program and we are distributing it to organizations that have a noble purpose.

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Solutions to Humanities' Greatest Social Issues


Our schools are failing our children, because they violate the biological laws of learning. Applying the Learning Code has created dramatic improvements in learning, behavior and children’s happiness.


Millions of Americans are living on the edge of financial ruin. Most couldn’t find an extra $500 for an emergency. The Learning Code harnesses principles of brain science to create the changes that bring lasting financial wellbeing.


A pandemic of opioid and other addictions threatens the fabric of our community. Only change at the biological level can free the victims. That’s why The Learning Code science is revolutionizing addiction treatment.


The culture of a corporation, organization or community reflects the underlying biology of its people. Changing culture means changing brains. That's the power of the Learning Code as an agent of transformation.

Thought Leaders Love the Learning Code

I have helped to discover and work with some of the greatest authors of our time, and it is my opinion that this disruptive Learning Code research will have as profound an impact on the world as the works of Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer.
We are one of North America’s leading seminar companies for market leaders and motivational speakers like Tony Robbins, Bill Clinton, Steve Harvey, Bob Proctor, and Sir Richard Branson. I can tell you that The Learning Code science is like the Intel Chip. Implant it into any transformational program and you will see astounding advance in the speed of learning and the depth of behavior change. It is a game changer for our industry.
Why is it that of the multitudes of people exposed to new information from books, seminars and online programs, which could have a profound positive impact on their lives, only a small percentage of them take the information and actually put it into practical use in their own lives? There is a missing piece to this puzzle, and I believe The Learning Code is that missing piece.

Daniel B. Levin

CEO Mosaic, Founder ZENsei, Former Director Business Development, Hay House Publishing

Ryan Mitchell

Owner-Director Power of Success

Kim Kyiosaki

Co-founder Rich Dad Organization, International Speaker, Author of Rich Woman and It’s Rising Time, A Call to Women
I have helped to discover and work with some of the greatest authors of our time, and it is my opinion that this disruptive Learning Code research will have as profound an impact on the world as the works of Deepak Chopra and Wayne Dyer.

Daniel B. Levin

CEO Mosaic, Founder ZENsei, Former Director Business Development, Hay House Publishing

We are one of North America’s leading seminar companies for market leaders and motivational speakers like Tony Robbins, Bill Clinton, Steve Harvey, Bob Proctor, and Sir Richard Branson. I can tell you that The Learning Code science is like the Intel Chip. Implant it into any transformational program and you will see astounding advance in the speed of learning and the depth of behavior change. It is a game changer for our industry.

Ryan Mitchell

Owner-Director Power of Success

Why is it that of the multitudes of people exposed to new information from books, seminars and online programs, which could have a profound positive impact on their lives, only a small percentage of them take the information and actually put it into practical use in their own lives? There is a missing piece to this puzzle, and I believe The Learning Code is that missing piece.

Kim Kyiosaki

Co-founder Rich Dad Organization, International Speaker, Author of Rich Woman and It’s Rising Time, A Call to Women

The Code to the human mind is just



Week Transformation

A Course constructed to integrate with how we neurologically change behaviors. Delivered weekly on any device, anywhere. Get started today.

Our Research


Chaos Theory


Quantum Theory

Combined to Uncover what many Consider the Greatest Discovery of Our Time


Genes That Influence Learning Uncovered

When just a percentage of these genes is stimulated in the correct way, they produce tens of thousands of enzymes and hundreds of neuromodulators. All this brain activation produces what is called “long-term potentiation” in your brain tissue. This, in turn, leads to the cellular and structural change that creates profound learning, motivation and behavior change.

We’ve Developed A Core Learning Protocol Into 24 Basic Steps -This Is The Learning Code 24.

We've Discovered What Many are Calling the DNA of Learning

The Learning Code Institute has Worked with or Presented to World Leading Institutions and Organizations such as…

Here's Some of the Public Results of Our Research

Watch What The Learning Code Does For This Class

Meaning is the holy grail of learning. Without meaning, there can be no learning. Find out how the learning code changes the role of a teacher, with this breathtaking case study of an eighth grade class.

Watch on YouTube

Masters Academy Raise Its Test Scores By 400% In The Excellent Category

Masters Academy used The Learning Code methodology to accelerate their student’s learning. The Learning Code helped increase test scores 400% higher than the Province average

The Learning Code On The Wealth Master's Tour

The Wealth Master’s Tour was designed for people who are no longer willing to accept failed conventional wisdom. Hand-picked by famed Rich Dad Poor Dad author, Robert Kiyosaki, The Learning Code joins other experts in teaching people new ways of wisdom.

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