Transforming Learning | The Learning Code Institute

Metaphor – The Power of Associative Thinking for HomeSchool Learning

“Genes Change Slowly, Your Brain Changes Quickly”

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What Every Homeschool Parent Needs to Know about the latest Neuroscience in Education

It’s easy to accept the idea that neuroscience has changed the way we understand and treat mental health conditions. We’ve all seen changes in how doctors talk about depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses, but did you know that it’s also changing what we know about learning and how we go about creating it?

The Learning Code Institute is considered the world leader in understanding the scientific bases of how we learn and remember. We are launching the first online program in the world that uses the latest neuroscience to help homeschool parents like you, more effectively and joyfully support your child to learn and remember. It is called, Cracking The Learning Code For Homeschool Parents; How To Use Neuroscience To Have Your Child Love Learning Forever!

If You Don’t Understand How People Learn…How Can You Help Them Learn?

Let me ask you a question: How can you help children and adults learn, if you don’t have a deep understanding of how they learn?

It is important to comprehend the way people learn, in order to help them learn more effectively. Learning is a process that changes the structures of your brain, and teachers and parents need to understand how this process works if we are ever going to be able to help people learn better.

The first step in understanding how learning works is understanding that each child learns in a unique way. It’s part of our genetic makeup to assure the survival of our species. The survival options of the human species are greater if each of us looks at how to solve a problem a little differently than our fellow man.

In fact, nature has guaranteed that none of us learn in exactly the same way, by ensuring that none of the 7.5 billion brains on earth are alike. We are all unique.

So, trying to deliver information in the same way to every single student just can’t  work. And it makes us parents stressed and crazy!

Learning isn't just about accumulating information; it's about making connections.

Learning and education aren’t just about accumulating information; it’s about making connections in your brain so it can store the information that is meaningful to you. Neuroscience has shown that your brain makes new neural pathways based on the context in which you learn something. If you are teaching your child addition and subtraction and he/she is planning to open a lemonade stand this summer, you’ll find it much more effective relating to the need for them to be able to make change for their customers than rote memory of subtraction tables. In other words, what you need to remember is only as important as how meaningful it is to you.

Learning stays with us longer when it's active and engaging.

Active learning is more effective than passive learning. Another way to say it is…for 95% of the worlds population as far as learning is concerned….”doing is always better than listening”.  

Passive learning or listening to a teacher talk and then taking notes, cannot have the same impact as active learning. Active learning means students are engaged with the material and involved in the process of learning.

This is because when you’re actively engaging with something, your brain is engaging billions more neurons than when you are passively sitting and listening.

There is a adage in Neuroscience that sums up this process nicely “The More Neurons That Fire… The More Learning That Occurs”

Neuroscience has made it clear that the traditional classroom model only works for a limited number of students

What we are finding from the latest neurological research is that the traditional education and classroom model is no longer effective for most students. Some learners need to work on their own, while others thrive in groups. Some students learn best by doing things, while others prefer to read about them first before they take action.

That’s because each of us has a unique learning style that’s shaped by our unique genetic makeup and experiences throughout life. For example, some people have good memories for facts but struggle with abstract concepts; others are great at memorizing math formulas but have trouble remembering important dates in history; and still, others are excellent at reading and writing but struggle when it comes to speaking out loud or listening attentively.

In light of this new understanding of how we learn best, schools must adapt if they want every child who walks through their doors and not just those who fit neatly into existing models—to succeed academically and achieve life goals!

All Kids Learn Differently!

There’s no one formula for helping children learn that works for everyone, but understanding how your brain process information and learns can help all us find better techniques for teaching people of all ages.

Five human senses sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste vector line icon illustration. 5 senses icons.

Neuroscience has taught us a lot about how individuals learn differently. For example, auditory learners tend to absorb information best when presented verbally or in song form, whereas visual learners may find that diagrams and pictures help them retain new information longer than words alone.

If You Don’t Know How Your Child’s Brain Learns…Your Teaching Is Limited!

We have spent over 30 years and millions of dollars researching the intricate biological mechanisms that dictate how your child’s brain actually learns and changes behaviors. Without comprehending how the brain naturally and effortlessly learns, the whole education process becomes much more stressful and painful than it ever needs to be…for you and our children! 


Launching The Program That Will Forever Transform Homeschool Learning!

The Learning Code Institute is considered the world leader in understanding the scientific bases of how we and our children most naturally and easily learn and remember.

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We are launching the first online program in the world that uses the latest neuroscience to help homeschool parents like you, more effectively and joyfully support your child to learn and remember. It is called, Cracking The Learning Code For Homeschool Parents; How To Use Neuroscience To Have Your Child Love Learning Forever!

This course is based on our Best-Selling Book, Cracking The Learning Code: The Science That Is Transforming How The World Learns, Motivates And Changes Behaviors To learn more about this ground-breaking new leaning science please click here.

Neuroscience is Completely Transforming Homeschool Learning

Neuroscience is Completely Transforming Homeschool Learning

“Genes Change Slowly, Your Brain Changes Quickly” Share Post on Facebook Twitter LinkedIn What Every Homeschool Parent Needs to Know about the latest Neuroscience in Education It’s easy to accept the idea that neuroscience has changed the way we understand and treat mental health conditions. We’ve all seen changes in how doctors talk about depression, […]

Metaphor – The Power of Associative Thinking for HomeSchool Learning

Metaphor – The Power of Associative Thinking for HomeSchool Learning

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