There is a learning crisis, which has been magnified by the global pandemic. It is clear that the existing educational systems are failing us. Over the last 17 years, America has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on solutions like No Child Left Behind, Common Core, and The Gates Foundation Educational Initiative. They have all failed. Our present scholastic, corporate and educational systems: don’t align with human biology, do create high levels of pain and boredom and ultimately lead to a lack of meaning and inefficiency.
Our mission is to reverse the failing state of educational systems and apply our immense body of research to develop approaches that disrupt traditional learning around the world. There has never been a science-based approach to learning that transforms the engagement of students and teachers, accelerates the rate of their learning, increases test scores, heightens motivation and decreases behavioral issues until now. The Learning Code is the biologically transformative solution for increased learning and performance that our educational systems so desperately need.
We have educational problems because we’re fighting innate human biology. We’re swimming against the natural way the brain encodes information, instead of with it!